Here’s what others have had to say:

Alec Olson, Content Writer, Strategist and Editor

Kyle is among the most reliable people I've worked with.  We worked together at the University Chronicle, St. Cloud State's student newspaper. Starting out, he wrote columns and news articles. But he always seemed open to other projects as well.  He was constantly engaged at the paper, eager to learn and willing to work hard. And through it all, he kept me up to date, which really takes the edge off on deadline.  It's no surprise to see he's landed great opportunities for himself. Best of wishes, Kyle.

Paul Nishikawa, Content Strategist

Kyle is an extremely hard worker and skilled at both writing and creating Facebook ad campaigns. We became friends quickly because of his outgoing attitude and have continued to work closely together during our time at Thomson Reuters. He is always someone I can turn to if one of my clients needs something, and I know a project will be in good hands if he is working on it.

Thanks for always being there as a friend and coworker. 

Christine Tomek, Content Strategist

I am a Content Strategist at Thomson Reuters and have worked with Kyle for the past year. In my position I’m juggling numerous projects and putting out many small fires on a daily basis. Kyle quickly found his groove as a Content Marketer and was willing to jump in and take over some of my projects and tasks with minimal direction. Kyle has excellent writing, creative and communication skills. Thomson Reuters has a number of complex systems, including Wrike (content management) and some systems that are proprietary. Kyle quickly learned the systems and uses them to do his job effectively and efficiently. Above and beyond his technical skills, he is an absolute pleasure to work with. I could not recommend him highly enough.

Deb Olson, Content Marketer

Kyle has a fantastic can-do attitude, always ready and willing to do what's best for our clients. I've chosen to work with him on a variety of projects because he's a great team player who produces quality content.