Content to Help Put People at Ease

Everyone's been struggling one way or another this year. COVID-19 has killed more people in America than it should have. On top of that, the economy is in rough shape. Unemployment claims may be on the decline, but we have a long way to go before things are stable again. 

Even if someone hasn't fallen ill or lost their job, the potential for it to happen is already stressful enough.

Most businesses understand and feel the effects of the pandemic. However, they must communicate that understanding to their customers — that’s where writers can step in.

Harnessing the power of sensitivity

Before the start of the pandemic, the economy was in fantastic shape. Consumer spending was at an all-time high, retailers saw record profits and employers had more roles available than they could fill. That’s not the case right now.

People are struggling financially and hesitant to spend. If they see a lot of aggressive marketing and advertising tactics by companies, they may take this as a slap in the face. 

That’s why businesses must harness the power of a sensitive message — no matter what it is they sell. Yes, losing subscriptions or seeing a decline in store traffic isn’t ideal, but that’s only temporary. If businesses don’t speak with compassion and empathy, they may risk losing their customer base, even when things go back to normal.

Expressing sensitivity in marketing content

Customers can tell when businesses "pretend" to care about them. But when they can show that they’re truly genuine and loyal to their base, they can foster better relationships with those customers. Here’s how they can express it:  

  • Tell stories of shared struggles: Many people right now feel isolated in their experiences, even though others share similar struggles. But by finding ways to tell stories of hardship and triumph, businesses can show consumers that they’re not alone. No matter what form it takes, good storytelling can inspire us all to take action.

  • Demonstrate what that they’re doing to help: Businesses who make their mark in the community will want to share their efforts with customers. It doesn't have to be a massive and expensive project; any charitable effort can generate goodwill and a positive reputation.  

  • Send a message of optimism: As the old saying goes: tough times don’t last forever, but tough people do. That same concept can apply to businesses and their brand. Consumers love to see messages of hope and optimism. If you express confidence in your brand, they likely will too.  

Curating the right message isn’t easy

What’s happening right now isn’t like anything we’ve experienced before. That’s why generating compassionate content isn’t easy. A creative and versatile content marketer can be the guiding voice your business needs. Not only can they help you generate a message that matters, but one that will resonate with your customers and keep them coming back.  


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