Creating SEO-Friendly Content in 2020

Creating great content will automatically attract people to your site, right? Not exactly. While quality and relevant content can keep consumers engaged, they have to find it first. When it comes to standing out on Google and other search engines, the quality and quantity of web traffic you get are crucial. That's especially the case if you want to get on page one. Fortunately, search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO, can help.   

The essential ingredients for search ranking

Credibility, authority and keywords can help boost your SEO rankings. For instance, when I googled "best vegan sausages," I get content from the Urban Vegan Food blog and at the top of the search page. These sites showed up as featured snippets because they include the keywords from my search, links to different vegan sausage brands' sites and regularly updated content.

Content marketing is all about writing keyword-focused pieces with credible sources. Businesses who periodically create credible content with targeted keywords can boost their digital presence and get more conversions. 

What can help boost my ranking?

Consumers’ needs and problems can change over time. Because of this, your business needs to keep up with them. Here are a few considerations from the Search Engine Journal that can help: 

  • Find new avenues to get backlinks: Having other sites link to your content enables you to speak with authority. But how do you get backlinks? There are a couple of ways: first, you must provide potential customers with more than just a simple marketing message. Tell them what makes you great and sets you apart from your competitors. Using reliable data and references to back up your pitch can be beneficial. That’s because it can help attract recognized and reliable sources (famous bloggers, reviewers, reporters etc.). Second, if you have the resources, you may want to consider having authoritative voices in your industry to write a guest blog. When it comes to credibility, these connections are vital and shows that important people trust you.  

  • Become a topic expert: Consumers have problems they want solved. You can help them by showcasing in-depth knowledge on specific topics in your industry and tell them about solutions you can provide. Topics can also give you a cluster of keywords, which can boost your search rankings. 

  • Pay attention to what's trending: Using competitive keywords can put you right in the Google sandbox. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible to stand out. It can be frustrating to try and rank when you're competing with high-authority sites, but riding the wave can help you gain recognition. Trends typically don't last forever, but they can generate a short-term influx of traffic if addressed correctly. Depending on your business and brand, you may want to stay away from anything highly controversial. 

These tips only scratch the surface

SEO can be confusing and overwhelming at times. But mastering it can give your business the credibility and authoritative advantage it deserves. If you're looking to boost your business's search ranking, you may benefit from the assistance of a skilled and versatile content marketer.  


Content to Help Put People at Ease